We know your needs and requirements. Here are some issues that we usually deal with:
- Need to have a technical interface who assists your customer;
- Consolidating or increasing business relationships through a technical partner;
- Focusing attention on the real needs of the customer and the product they need to obtain;
- Food safety.

A new ingredient is an inconvenience to your customer because even if similar, it often requires different precautions. It is fundamental to reduce this discomfort as soon as possible. The success or failure of a baked product or pasta cannot be left to chance or to the sensibility of human nature.
Each product performance (texture, colour, shape, honeycomb structure, shelf-life, workability, crispness, hardness, chewiness, gumminess, crumb structure, malleability, dryness issues, browning, weight and taste) is correlated by rheological parameters of wheat flours (W, p/l, absorption, energy, extensibility, ratios of elasticity, resistance, stability, etc.) of the ingredients (sucrose, glucose, malt, fats, sourdough, salt, etc.) from processing aids (alpha and beta-amylase, proteases, xylanase, ascorbic acid, emulsifier etc.) or process (leavening time and temperature, time and mixing speed, laminations, extrusions, etc.). The correct evaluation of all these factors is also the correct implementation of your ingredient.
What can we offer:
- Design / calibration of ingredients, processing aids or dough conditioner and process (time/mix speed, temperature, moisture, etc.) in order to produce at the best through your ingredient.
- Training of your employees in order to correlate and interpret the product performances with the ingredients or with the possible factors governing it.

The innovations or solutions proposed to be well understood and valued must be disseminated through a technical point of view in order to give the right answers and the necessary reassurances.
What can we offer:
- Study or presentation that points out performance, peculiarities and characteristics of your ingredient.
- Supporting your technical staff during the presentation phase.
- Reporting potential customers interested in the evaluation of certain ingredients
- Training of your employees in order to correlate and interpret the product performances with ingredients or with the factors possible that govern it.

It takes little to differentiate ourselves on the market or to develop and satisfy new sectors or product needs. The key is to understand the real needs of the customers. In a world where tailor-made is now a systematic request, it is essential to have interlocutors who know how to interpret the real demands as well as the real product or process problems.
What can we offer:
- Process study that highlights the real problems that customer encounters during the use of ingredients
- Supporting your technical staff during the design and development phase
- Training of your employees in order to correlate and interpret the product performances with ingredients or with the factors possible that govern it.

Today, assessing whether your quality system is adequate for the risks that threaten food safety, is crucial. It is important to check adopted solutions or the solutions that you are going to adopt and have someone who knows the raw materials, the processes and the production chain. Today the solutions to be sustainable and effective must be well evaluated in every aspect, in order to have adequate financial and human resources to evaluate and face the real risks that you are taking. This is the only way you can effectively reduce the risk.
What can we offer:
- Elaboration or evaluation of your quality system
- Developing of sampling plans and operational instructions in order to control the risk better.
- Developing quality control protocols. It is essential to understand which analysis are necessary and how often they are to be carried out to guarantee your finished product.
- Audit of your suppliers
- Advice on the peculiarities and characteristics of your suppliers
- Proposal of new suppliers suited to your production needs