
Research and development machinery

Research and development machinery

We know your needs and requirements. Here are some issues that we usually deal with:

  • Maximizing the performance of your equipment or machinery;
  • Reducing production waste;
  • Finding solutions that fit your ideas;
  • Evaluation or test of an equipment or a production line.
Maximizing the performance of your equipment or machinery

For the Industry, there are no generic specifications for a product but there is a precise specification for your production line or machinery. The customization of the production lines and the different production recipes involve narrow and precise parameters to be requested from your suppliers.

It will be necessary condition to enhance the quality of your machinery or equipment and satisfy your customer regarding the optimization, reduction of waste and standardization of the product.

What can we offer:

  • Support your customer in the testing phases of the plant or machinery so that it manages to obtain the desired results as soon as possible;
  • A chemical, physical and rheological study (alveography, farinography, extensography, amylography, viscosity, particle size analysis, gluten, color, etc.) that highlights well-defined parameters and tolerances in order to optimize the entire production process;
  • Development of tailor-made specifications for your production line;
  • Setting up of production protocols: the ingredients are natural live products subject to the environment. In view of this, they need to be correctly handled, kept and managed within your production facility. When you blend or knead them their activity becomes exponential and for this reason it is essential to know how to manage them correctly and sustainably over time, to know how standardize production creating efficiency and yield.
Reducing production waste;

Today the modern world is increasingly turning to sustainable food products. The reduction of production waste is now a prerogative to optimize natural raw materials. But at the same time the consumer want to increase the quality product in all its aspects that characterize it.

Against this it is essential to have a clear idea of ​​what your company needs to work at best. Nothing can be left to chance. Good process practices and calibrated ingredients must be assessed as one.

What can we offer:

  • A chemical, physical and rheological study (alveography, farinography, extensography, amylography, viscosity, particle size analysis, gluten, colour, etc.) that highlights well-defined parameters and tolerances in order to optimize entire production process.
  • Development of tailor-made specifications for your production plant.
  • Implementation of quality control protocols: it is essential to understand which analysis are necessary and which are to carry out systematically to guarantee the performance of your production line.
  • Design / calibration of ingredients and processing aids or dough conditioner: each ingredient or processing aid or dough conditioner must be well evaluated and reasoned in the recipe in order to prevent the excessive action / characteristic of one must be compensated by the other to reach your final goal. Very often the same goals can be achieved in different ways.
Finding solutions that fit your ideas

The design of production line and the choice of the  machinery for it  is a mix of structural, chemical, physical, productive and stylistic factors that must find a correct proportion. Very often, however, production lines must find a proper placement in the territory, in the tradition and in the availability/quality of certain ingredients. That is why It is important to evaluate optimal solutions, replicable and sustainable over time. The machinery are designed to last over time but the ingredients are natural products and easily influenced by a rapidly changing climate. In view of this, it is essential to evaluate optimal, replicable and sustainable solutions over time. To achieve results it is essential to have a team of people with experience and open-minded for a successful idea.

What can we offer:

  • An analysis and evaluation of possible solutions: today to achieve effective and efficient solutions it is essential to bring together different experiences and professionalism.
  • Setting up of production protocols: the ingredients are natural live products subject to the environment. In view of this, they need to be correctly handled, kept and managed within your production facility. When you blend or knead ingredients their activity become exponential and for this reason it is essential to know how to manage them correctly and sustainably over time, to know how standardize production creating efficiency and yield.
Evaluation or test of an equipment or a production line

Before marketing or selling a equipment or production line it is important to make a correct assessment of the potentiality both in terms of possible products and also of potential customers. Finally, the testing phase must be used to understand all the advantages and defects of the relevant equipment or production line.

This way your equipment or production line can capture better the attention of your future customer.

What can we offer:

  • An evaluation of the possible customers to whom to propose the equipment or production line
  • An evaluation in order to understand the critical issues and find the possible solutions that we can propose you
  • A chemical, physical and rheological study (alveography, farinography, extensography, amylography, viscosity, particle size analysis, gluten, color, etc.) that highlights well-defined parameters and tolerances in order to optimize the entire production process.
Bakery and Pasta Consulting

Vicolo Pernino 157 46019 Viadana (MN)


+39 338 52 42 438

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